Short film script (Drama-Suspense)

  • - Characters: Gioconda and Sanchez Piero
  • - Secondary characters: Journalist Adriana Oliveira, Supermarket salesman, Villela Police officer, Santiago the caretaker of the apartment building, Madam from the police station, Cello player
  • - Length ca. 19:10

Script writer Moises Sanchez


Gioconda is an audiovisual producer who lives alone, she lost her father and mother to COVID-19, her brother was killed for discrimination, they thought he also had the virus. An unknown man calls her and threatens her to death so that she does not leave her apartment because he believes she has the virus and can infect them. But what will happen to Gioconda? How far will the stranger who threatens her go?

Program Note

GIOCONDA is a franchise script for lovers of suspense in pandemic scenarios. This script was shot in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The short film was a finalist in a film festival in Russia, semi-finalist in New York and official selection in Germany, won the best musical score in a film festival in France.

We all have a passion for something in life, in my script GIOCONDA I decided that the antagonist character should have a passion for something, but that passion when he finds a special characteristic in the antagonist’s victims becomes obsessive and dangerous, consummating his most longed desire by doing something unique with his victims. This is what makes this GIOCONDA franchise original. This script will be shot soon in Spain and in New York.
Short film trailer