Coordinates of Love

Short film script (Romantic)
An artistic and romantic story in which love is revealed in an unusual way

  • - Characters: Ekaterina and Motka
  • - Secondary characters: Ricardo art buyer
  • - Length ca. 11 min
You can buy it in English or Spanish. Email me for legal agreements prior to purchase.

Script writer Moises Sánchez


Ekaterina is a painter from St. Petersburg (Russia) living in New York and Motka is a good friend, art dealer and promoter, who came from Berlin to see Ekaterina’s recent artistic production. However, the pandemic forces Motka to stay a few days trapped in Manhattan and Ekaterina to close her art gallery, so she offers him to stay at her house during the quarantine. There has always been an attraction between them, but they have preferred to maintain a friendship, however in the time of quarantine between art and talks will occur some situations that will bring them closer to love.

Program Note

I wrote this short film inspired by those secrets that we keep deep in our hearts and that only in our confidant (the art) we can leave them safe. But sometimes perceptive spirits can cross the border of our bubble and when we least want it we feel sublimely invaded, because our essence feels the presence of an intrepid visitor and we become insecure and evasive. Throughout my life I have been in love with art, I love going to art galleries and contemplating the different artistic expressions or watching a painter in his creation process is really fabulous, I also enjoy making documentaries about painters or sculptors.